+ 91 7836906974 || admin@ompaliclothing.com

Order Tracking


You need not to pay any fee for tracking your shipment. We have to pay only once while placing your orders.

As we are a clothing brand, we don’t have any product which would break while transact. We only take return if cloth size you ordered does not fits you or product have some issue, in same you have to click picture at time of unwrapping the parcel and sending it over to us on admin@ompaliclothing.com with the order id . 

We work with multiple third party cargo company. For more you can read our ‘Shipping And Delivery’ page from footer of this page

Yes, we default add invoice to the shipment

In that case you can write to us on ‘admin@ompaliclothing.com’ or call us between 9 AM – 7 PM. Will try to answer all your question, be handy with the order id.

Order Tracking

Open below link and copy paste your Order Id to track your shipment 

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